Hello Weekend

Friday, February 04, 2011

Image via Lonny

If you think that is my office, sadly you are so so wrong. I'm about up to my eyeballs with life. Things are busy around here with my two little girls, my oldest turned two a couple of weeks ago and my youngest is eight months old. Plus, my husband is away for work for ten weeks. Yes, you read that right, I'm solo parenting for ten whole weeks. 

Lucky for me, our families are amazing and didn't turn me down when I asked them to adopt my girls for the weekend.  I'll be at home organizing, hanging art, cooking a few things and doing our taxes, I promise it's not all glamorous folks.  I've been on the hunt to find some home office photos that inspire me to finally get my act together in there. Here are a couple lovely offices that I crossed paths with. 

Image via Lonny

 Image via House Beautiful

And because I like to keep it real around here (remember my introduction post pointing out that I am a disorganization nightmare), I'm posting some pictures of the current state of my office. Honestly, the mess from Charley's party last month hasn't been completely cleaned up. And Charley is a walking tornado so that doesn't help matters. Wish me luck in my organizing adventure this weekend. 

Here are the before pics of my office. (I cannot believe I am sharing these with the world)

What are your tips for keeping your life organized, especially if you have young kids? I could definitely use some advice or maybe I just need to permanently confine Charley, that would make cleaning up easier.


Eden said...

Thank you! Thank you for posting pics of what your office looks pre-clean up. I've been trying to dig mine out over the past few weekends (I've been posting photos of my progress). It's a 5' by 3' space that supports sewing, scrapbooking, and more. I don't have kids, but what I'm trying to keep projects organized and contained is putting components into vintage luggage or containers and taking out the container when I need to work on a project and then returning to its spot.

Ana @ A Touch of Sweetness said...

Im so glad you shared this... i wish i could say i have an office... when i have a dessert table to set up my whole living & Dinning room become my office! You are definatly not alone...my 8 month old is crawling and standing everywhere so i can definatly relate! :)

Sarah said...

of course your office looks VERY similar to mine. same PB desk, same target dress. . . C is obsessed with yellow these days! good luck, mama. let me know how it goes. . .
i myself, thrive on chaos. . . ;)

Jessica (Modern Moments Designs) said...

My whole house looks like this. . Hahaha. Actually, just a few rooms, but my "work" is taking over. If you find the secret, let me know!