Ever since I saw the incredible white Halloween ideas in Sweet Paul magazine, I have been thinking up ways to whiten up our holiday decorations. I would LOVE to start over from scratch with all white but since that will never happen, I will just have to work with what I've got. I'll be hard at work with a few cans of spray paint but here are some inspiration photos while my paint dries. We were planning on getting a very lightly flocked tree but when we were told if would take a few days to get our custom flocked tree, I caved and picked out a beautiful Frasier Fir tree. Patience is definitely not my strong suit, maybe next year!

Previous images via Sweet Paul
Image via Country Living
These are available RIGHT NOW (they won't last long) at www.onekingslane.com for only $19, I'm dying for a few of these for our dining room mantel, please Santa!
Image via Country Living
Unknown Source
Image via Martha Stewart